st"> nd"> rd"> cm"> sec"> unit"> degree"> vec"> vec1d"> vec2d"> vec3d"> vec4d"> mat"> mat1d"> mat2d"> mat3d"> mat4d"> igl"> igl1d"> igl2d"> igl3d"> igl4d"> quatd"> rot2d"> rot3d"> 3DE4"> 3DE4/r4b1"> 3DE4/r4b2"> 3DE4/r4b3"> 3DE4/r4b4"> tde4mhpd"> 3DE4/MHP"> MHP"> VL"> Main Window"> Overview Controls"> Manual Tracking Controls"> Distortion Grid Controls"> Autotracking Controls"> Lineup Controls"> 3D Orientation Controls"> F1"> F2"> F3"> F4"> F5"> F6"> Windows"> Calc"> Python"> Adjustment"> Object Browser"> Deviation Browser"> Timeline Editor"> Curve Editor"> Attribute Editor"> Parameter Adjustment Window"> Advanced Options"> Network Calc"> Image Controls Window"> Python Console Window"> Online Help Window"> Preferences"> Network Calculation"> Network Calculation Mode"> Enabled - Static Master Node"> Enabled - Dynamic Self Organizing Network"> Off"> Master Node Hostname"> Allow For Network Calculation"> Frame Range Calculation"> Run Python Script..."> Rescan Python Directories"> Open Python Console..."> Project"> Camera"> Camera"> Weight"> Live Action Footage"> First Frame is Frame"> Lens"> Lens..."> Focal Length"> Use From Lens"> Static"> Dynamic"> Focus Distance"> Rolling Shutter Compensation"> Synchronization"> Stereoscopic"> Orientation"> Lefthand Camera"> Righthand Camera"> Timeshift"> Point Group"> Point"> Point"> Position XYZ"> 2D Tracking"> 3D Calculation"> Survey Type"> Survey Free"> Approximately Surveyed"> Exactly Surveyed"> Lineup Only Surveyed"> Approx. Survey Radius"> 3D Model"> Lens"> Lens Distortion"> Dynamic Lens Distortion"> Scene"> Cameras"> Point Groups"> Constraints"> Lenses"> blob"> core"> gui script"> gui scripts"> modifier script"> modifier scripts"> parent"> responder"> computational"> news"> updater_udp"> scanner"> deputy"> self"> float"> complex"> len"> __repr__"> __str__"> +"> −"> *"> /"> +="> −="> *="> /="> dotsq"> dot"> tensq"> ten"> wdg"> norm1"> norm2"> norminf"> unit"> para"> ortho"> dual"> invert"> conjugate"> quat"> axis"> angle"> angles"> trans"> trace"> sub"> adj"> det"> invert"> 3DE4"> ||"> a"> b"> p"> u"> pl"> ul"> ml"> pr"> ur"> mr"> p' r"> cl,x"> cl,y"> cl,z"> cr,x"> cr,y"> cr,z"> c' r,z"> ccenter"> ex"> ey"> ez"> ddepth"> dvert"> dioc"> pconv"> 1"> R3"> &u;"> &u_l;"> &u_r;"> stereo"> center"> Attribute Editor"> Cameras"> Stereoscopic"> Rotation Policy"> rotation policy"> rotation policies"> Allow y-Rotation Only"> Allow Rotation Around all Axes"> parallaxe"> interocular"> Interocular"> Curve Editor"> vertical shift"> Vertical Shift"> depth shift"> Calc"> Zoom Curve"> Calc Zoom Curve From Scratch"> Finetune Zoom Curve From Scratch"> w"> wa"> wb"> wr"> h"> ha"> hb"> hr"> gles::math"> imgop"> imgop_ldpk"> imgop_pthread"> ldpk"> transwarp"> minifl"> img"> img_memptr"> int"> true"> false"> float"> n"> selector"> segment"> collect/apply"> ]> &vl;
VL - Python Vector Library Vectors, matrices and quaternions in Python Science-D-Visions, 2014-12-05 Contents 1Introduction
2About this document
4.1 Vectors
4.1.2Convenience functions
4.1.3String representation
4.1.4Container properties
4.1.5Operators operators operators operators
4.2 Matrices
4.2.2String representation
4.2.3Container properties
4.2.4Convenience functions
4.2.5Operators operators operators operators
4.2.7Type conversion
4.3 Transformations
4.3.2Accessing components
4.3.3Convenience functions
4.3.4Operators operators operators
4.3.6Type conversion
4.4 Quaternions
4.4.2Accessing components
4.4.3Operators operators operators operators
4.4.5Type conversion
4.5 Rotations
4.5.1Constructor; and &rot3d;;;
4.5.4Type conversion
1Introduction The vector library &vl; is used in many &tde4; scripts. It provides basic functions for dealing with vectors, matrices and affine transforms in one to four dimensions, and quaternions. Additionally, there are classes for handling rotations in two and three dimensions. &vl; should run in late 2.x python versions, but it is not supposed to run in python 3 without modifications (we didn't try this). 2About this document The document is targeted to developers of python scripts meant to run within &tde4;, although the vector library itself could be used in other environments as well (other software or standalone). The document is not complete. Although &vl; has been in use for years now the documentation was not widely spread. Versions are:
  • version 1.1 - bugfixes, functions - 2014-01-28
  • version 1.0 - initial - 2013-12-18
Overview &vl; was created in order to perform linear operations in low-dimensional vector spaces. All vectors, matrices and transformations in &vl; are defined with respect to the field of real numbers, represented by double-precision floating point variables in Python. For the code examples in this document we import the module as
from vl_sdv import *
&vl; implements the following classes, ordered by category and dimension:

Category Class
Vectors &vec1d; &vec2d; &vec3d; &vec4d;
Matrices &mat1d; &mat2d; &mat3d; &mat4d;
Transformations &igl1d; &igl2d; &igl3d; &igl4d;
Quaternions &quatd;
Rotations &rot2d; &rot3d;

By "Transformations" we refer to
affine transformations, which include translations, rotations and scalings. The rotation classes &rot2d; and &rot3d; represent a convenient and unambigious way to deal with rotations in two- and three-dimensional space. 4Classes In this section we will describe the API of all classes in detail. 4.1 Vectors The vector classes are &vec1d;, &vec2d;, &vec3d; and &vec4d;. All vector classes are derived from the base class &vec;. 4.1.1Constructor All vector types can be instantiated without arguments (default constructor). This generates the zero-vector of the respective vector space:
>>> vec1d();vec2d();vec3d();vec4d();
Vector types can also be instantiated by passing the correct number of components.
>>> vec1d(2);vec2d(2,3);vec3d(2,3,5);vec4d(2,3,5,7);
Instead of passing components directly, vectors can be created by objects having the following properties:
  • Any object x passed to the constructor has components which are accessed by means of the operator [ ] (i.e. the object has a method __getitem__)
  • The number of components of x is &len;(x).
This means, vectors can be initialized by lists
>>> vec1d([2]);vec2d([2,3]);vec3d([2,3,5]);vec4d([2,3,5,7]);
or by tuples:
>>> vec1d((2));vec2d((2,3));vec3d((2,3,5));vec4d((2,3,5,7));
Vectors themselves behave like lists, which means they can be copied:
>>> a = vec1d(2);b = vec2d(2,3);c = vec3d(2,3,5);d = vec4d(2,3,5,7);
>>> vec1d(a);vec2d(b);vec3d(c);vec4d(d)
Convenience functions Vector instances can easily be created by using the convenience function vec(). The number of arguments ranges from 1 to 4. This determines what type of vector is created, vec1d, vec2d, vec3d or vec4d.
>>> vec(3);vec(3,4);vec(3,4,5);vec(3,4,5,6)
String representation For vectors the methods &__repr__; and &__str__; are implemented. The output of &__repr__; has already been demonstrated in the previous section. The print representation (given by the method &__str__;) is:
>>> print vec1d(2),vec2d(2,3),vec3d(2,3,5),vec4d(2,3,5,7)
[2.0] [2.0,3.0] [2.0,3.0,5.0] [2.0,3.0,5.0,7.0]
Container properties Vectors behave like tuples or lists in the following sense: the number of components is obtained by the function &len; and the components can be read or written using the operator [ ]:
>>> print len(vec1d()),len(vec2d()),len(vec3d()),len(vec4d())
1 2 3 4

>>> a = vec4d(1,2,4,8)
>>> a[3] = 10
>>> print a
Iterators can be used to access the vector components:
print [10 * i for i in vec4d(2,3,5,7)]
[20.0, 30.0, 50.0, 70.0]
Operators operators The following unary operators are implemented for all vector classes:

Operator Return type Argument type Semantics
&op_plus; Vector Vector Identity
&op_minus; Vector Vector Negative of a vector (reversed direction)

>>> -vec(3);-vec(3,4);-vec(3,4,5);-vec(3,4,5,6)

>>> +vec(3);+vec(3,4);+vec(3,4,5);+vec(3,4,5,6)
Note, that in order to avoid a common pitfall for C/C++-programmers the identity operator creates a new object, it does NOT return a reference to the original object:
>>> a = vec(3,4);b = +a;b[1] = 5
>>> print "a:",a,"\nb:",b
a: [3.0,4.0]
b: [3.0,5.0]
Binary operators The following binary operators are implemented for all vector classes:

Operator Return type &first; Arg type &second; Arg type Semantics
&op_plus; Vector Vector Vector Sum of two vectors
&op_minus; Vector Vector Vector Difference of two vectors
&op_mul; Vector Number Vector Product of number and vector
&op_mul; Vector Vector Number Product of number and vector
&op_mul; Vector Vector Matrix Multiplication by a matrix from the right

bi = ∑j aj mji
&op_mul; Number Vector Vector Inner product (dot product) of two vectors

ab = ∑i ai bi
&op_div; Vector Vector Number Quotient of vector and number
& Matrix Vector Vector Tensor product of two vectors

(ab)ij = ai bj

Due to Python's capability of operator overloading, these operations become quite readable in &vl;. For adding and subtracting vectors we have:
>>> print vec(2,3) + vec(5,7)

>>> print vec(5,7) - vec(2,3)
Multiplication and division by numbers is done by:
>>> print 3 * vec(5,6,7)

>>> print vec(5,6,7) * 3

>>> print vec(50,60,70) / 10
The inner product (also called dot product) is done by the asterisk operator as well.
>>> vec(2) * vec(3)

>>> vec(2,3) * vec(5,7)

>>> vec(2,3,5) * vec(7,11,13)

>>> vec(2,3,5,7) * vec(11,13,17,19)
For the
tensor product we use the operator &. More details are described in section 4.2.5
>>> print vec(3,4) & vec(1,10)
The skew-symmetric product is implemented for two- and three-dimensional vectors. Both arguments are vectors.

Dimension Return type Semantics Math symbol
2 Number e.g. "Spinor product" various, e.g. a ∧ b (on 2-forms)
3 Vector Vector product a ∧ b (on 3-forms), a × b

The skew-symmetric product is dependent on the dimension. In two-dimensional space it's sometimes called "spinor product", in three dimensions it is called "vector product" or "cross product".
>>> vec(2,3) ^ vec(5,7)

>>> vec(1,0,0) ^ vec(0,1,0)
Note, that Python's operator precedence rules make it necessary to use brackets when the tensor product or wedge product are combined with other operations. operators The following non-constant ("augmenting") operators are implemented for all vector classes. The left hand side argument is always a vector type. We refer to this argument as "&self;" in the following table:

Operator Argument type Semantics
&op_pluseq; Vector Add a vector to &self;
&op_minuseq; Vector Subtract a vector from &self;
&op_muleq; Matrix Multiply &self; by a matrix from the right
&op_muleq; Number Multiply &self; by a number
&op_diveq; Number Divide &self; by a number

>>> a = vec(2,3,5,7);a += vec(8,4,2,1);print a

>>> a = vec(2,3,5);a -= vec(4,2,1);print a

>>> a = vec(3,5);a *= 10;print a;

>>> a = vec(10);a /= 2;print a;
For the matrix multiplication from the right the vector is interpreted as a "row vector". Mathematically speaking, this is defined as vTm := (mTv)T. Since we can write vT(mamb) = (vTma)mb the augmenting operator is well-defined.
>>> a = vec(2,3);a *= mat(1,10,100,1000)
>>> print a
4.1.6Methods The following methods are implemented for all vector classes.

Method Result type Semantics
&dotsq; Number Inner product of a vector with itself
&tensq; Matrix Tensor product of a vector with itself
&norm1; Number Sum of absolute values of the components
&norm2; Number Euclidian norm (i.e. length of a vector)
&norminf; Number Maximum of absolute values of the components
&fn_unit; Vector Unit vector, normalized version of a vector
Matrix Projector onto the vector
&ortho; Matrix Projector into the space orthogonal to the vector

&dotsq; is a short hand notation for the inner product of a vector with itself. It is particularly useful when the argument is some lengthy expression.
>>> (vec(1,2) + vec(2,2)).dotsq()
A similar notation is avilable for the tensor product of a vector with itself.
>>> vec(3,4).tensq()
Vectors offer three different norms, the most important of which is of course the euclidian norm (i.e. the length of a vector):
>>> vec(3,-4).norm2()
&norm1; yields the sum of absolute values of the components, &norminf; is the absolute value of the largest component.
>>> vec(3,-4).norm1()

>>> vec(3,-4).norminf()
The Notation refers to the mathematical notation of norms:
The method &fn_unit; returns the normalized version of its argument, the vector with length 1 and same direction:
>>> print vec(3,4).unit()

>>> print vec(3,4).unit().norm2()
The methods ¶ and &ortho; provide projection matrices into the space collinear and orthogonal to the argument vector, respectively. These projectors have the following properties ("idempotence"):
P|| = P||P||

P = PP
They sum up to a unit matrix:
P|| + P = 1
In the one-dimensional case, &ortho; leads to a zero-matrix:
>>> print vec(1).para()

>>> print vec(1).ortho()
Here is an example in three dimensions:
>>> print vec(0,0,1).para()

>>> print vec(0,0,1).ortho()
The method &dual; is only implemented in some of the vector classes. It is closely related to the skew-symmetric product and is similar to the "Hodge-star" (∗a) in differential geometry, but with a different sign-convention.

Dimension Return type
2 Vector
3 Matrix

Our version of &dual; is defined as (∗a) b := a ∧ b, for two- and three-dimensional space. The reason for us to mention this method here is, that especially in three-dimensions it has proven to be a useful tool in dealing with rotation objects. 4.2
Matrices The matrix classes are &mat1d;, &mat2d;, &mat3d; and &mat4d;. All matrix classes are derived from the base class &mat;. A matrix in &vl; is an array of row vectors. This is reflected in the way matrices are constructed or printed. The advantage is that components can be accessed as in mathematical notation:
mij = m[i][j]
Constructor All matrix types can be instantiated without arguments (default constructor). This generates a zero-matrix in the respective space.
>>> mat1d();mat2d();mat3d();mat4d()
String representation For matrices the methods &__repr__; and &__str__; are implemented. The output of &__repr__; has already been demonstrated in the previous section. The print representation (given by the method &__str__;) is:
>>> print mat1d(2)
>>> print mat2d(3)
>>> print mat3d(5)
>>> print mat4d(7)
Container properties Matrices are lists of row vectors. The number of row vectors can be retrieved by the function &len;
>>> print len(mat1d()),len(mat2d()),len(mat3d()),len(mat4d())
1 2 3 4
In matrix objects row vectors can be accessed by the operator [ ].
>>> a = mat2d(1,2,4,8)
>>> a[0] = vec2d(3,5)
>>> a[1] = [7,9]
>>> print a
Since the operator [ ] is implemented for vectors, components of matrices are accessed by applying [ ] twice:
>>> a = mat2d(1,2,4,8)
>>> a[1][1] = 7
>>> print a
You can iterate over the rows of a matrix:
>>> a = mat4d(11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34,41,42,43,44)
>>> for i in a: print i;
Convenience functions Matrix instances can easily created by using the convenience function &mat;(). The number of arguments is 1,4,9 or 16. By this number the function determines what type of matrix is created.
>>> print mat(2)
>>> print mat(2,3,5,7)
>>> print mat(1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,3)
>>> print mat(1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1)
Operators operators The following unary operators are implemented for all matrix classes:

Operator Return type Argument type Semantics
&op_plus; Matrix Matrix Identity
&op_minus; Matrix Matrix Negative of a matrix


>>> -mat1d(3);-mat2d(4);-mat3d(5);-mat4d(6)

>>> +mat1d(3);+mat2d(4);+mat3d(5);+mat4d(6)
As in the case of vectors the identity operator creates a new object, it does NOT return a reference to the original object:
>>> a = mat2d(3);b = +a;b[1][0] = 5
>>> print "a:",a,"\nb:",b
a: [[3.0,0.0],[0.0,3.0]]
b: [[3.0,0.0],[5.0,3.0]]
Binary operators The following binary operators are implemented for all matrix classes:

Operator Return type &first; Arg type &second; Arg type Semantics
&op_plus; Matrix Matrix Matrix Sum of two matrices

Cij = Aij + Bij
&op_minus; Matrix Matrix Matrix Difference of two matrices

Cij = Aij - Bij
&op_mul; Matrix Number Matrix Product of number and matrix

Cij = Aij x
&op_mul; Matrix Matrix Number Product of number and matrix

Cij = Aij x
&op_mul; Vector Matrix Vector Product of matrix and vector:

wi = ∑j Aijvj
&op_mul; Matrix Matrix Matrix Matrix product:

Cik = ∑j AijBjk
&op_div; Matrix Matrix Number Quotient of Matrix and number

Cij = Aij / x
Augmenting operators The following augmenting operators are defined for all matrix classes. The left hand side argument is always a matrix. We refer to this argument as "&self;" in the following table:

Operator Argument type Semantics
&op_pluseq; Matrix Add a matrix to &self;

SijSij + Mij
&op_minuseq; Matrix Subtract a matrix from &self;

SijSij - Mij
&op_muleq; Matrix Multiply &self; by a matrix from the right

Sij→∑k SikMkj
&op_muleq; Number Multiply &self; by a number

SijSij x
&op_diveq; Number Divide &self; by a number

SijSij / x

>>> a = mat(2,3,5,7);a += mat(8,4,2,1);print a

>>> a = mat(2,3,5,7);a -= mat(8,4,2,1);print a

>>> a = mat(2,3,5,7);a *= mat(8,4,2,1);print a

>>> a = mat(2,3,5,7);a *= 10;print a

>>> a = mat(2,3,5,7);a /= 10;print a
Methods The following methods are implemented for (almost) all matrix classes.

Method Result type Semantics
&trans; Matrix Transposed of a matrix

(MT)ij = Mji
&trace; Number Trace of a matrix

trM = ∑iMii
⊂(i,j) Matrix Submatrix by ommiting row i and column j
&adj; Matrix Adjugate of a matrix
&det; Number Determinant of a matrix
&invert; Matrix Inverse of a matrix

We demonstrate the use of these methods for a 2x2-matrix. The program
a2 = mat2d(2,3,5,7)
print "original:", a2
print "   trans:", a2.trans()
print "   trace:", a2.trace()
print "sub(1,0):", a2.sub(1,0)
print "     adj:", a2.adj()
print "     det:", a2.det()
print "  invert:", a2.invert()
produces the following result:
original: [[2.0,3.0],[5.0,7.0]]
   trans: [[2.0,5.0],[3.0,7.0]]
   trace: 9.0
sub(1,0): [[3.0]]
     adj: [[7.0,-3.0],[-5.0,2.0]]
     det: -1.0
  invert: [[-7.0,3.0],[5.0,-2.0]]

Type conversion 4.3 Transformations By a transformation we understand a tuple of a vector and a matrix. Transformations are useful for expressing scale, rotation and translation in one object. The transformation classes are &igl1d;, &igl2d;, &igl3d;, &igl4d; ("igl" for "inhomogenious general linear (group)"). 4.3.1Constructor Transformations can be constructed as described in the following. There is a default constructor, which creates a unit element (i.e. the neutral element with respect to the multiplication):
>>> print igl2d()
Transformations can be specified by either providing a matrix or a vector or both:
>>> print igl2d(vec2d(2,3))
>>> print igl2d(mat2d(2,3,5,7))
>>> print igl2d(mat2d(2,0,0,3),vec2d(5,7))
Accessing components The components of a transformation can be accessed for reading and writing as follows:
>>> a = igl2d(mat2d(2,0,0,3),vec2d(5,7))
>>> print a.m, a.v
[[2.0,0.0],[0.0,3.0]] [5.0,7.0]
>>> a.m = mat2d(1,2,3,4)
>>> a.v = vec(5,6)
>>> print a.m, a.v
[[1.0,2.0],[3.0,4.0]] [5.0,6.0]
Convenience functions 4.3.4Operators operators In the current version, no unary operators are defined for transformations. operators The following binary operator/s is/are implemented for all transformation classes:

Operator Return type &first; Arg type &second; Arg type Semantics
&op_mul; Transformation Transformation Transformation Semi-direct product

Methods For transformations the following methods are implemented:
Method Result type Semantics
&invert; Transformation Inverse

&mat; Matrix Embedding into higher dimensional matrix space

Type conversion The space of transformations in n dimensions is a subspace of the space of n+1 dimensional matrices. The embedding is a homomorphism, i.e. the multiplication of transformation maps to the multiplication of matrices. The embedding is represented by the following cast. Given a transformation
>>> a = igl2d(mat2d(2,0,0,3),vec2d(5,7))
The three-dimensional matrix representation is:
>>> print mat3d(a)
Quaternions Quaternions are very important in three-dimensional geometry, because they represent a compact way of handling rotations. In &vl; they are implemented as the class &quatd;. Representing the group of rotations on one hand and a vector space on the other hand makes them feasible for doing interpolation and statistics in rotational space, for which matrix or angle representations are inappropriate. 4.4.1Constructor Quaternions can be instantiated by passing no argument:
>>> print quatd()
Note that in this case a zero-quaternion is generated, although one might also argue that a unit quaternion is a reasonable default-value as well. This is due to the fact, that on one hand quaternions form a vector space, while on the other hand - without the zero quaternion - they form a multiplicative group. In this case we decided to emphasize the vector space aspect.

We consider quaternions as a pair of a number (the scalar part) and a three-dimensional vector (the vector part). Hence quaternions can be instantiated by passing a number and a vector:
>>> a = 1;b = vec(0.1,0.2,0.3);
>>> print quatd(a,b)

>>> print quatd(1,[0.1,0.2,0.3]);
We can also instantiate the quaternion by passing either scalar or vector part:
>>> print quatd(1)

>>> print quatd(vec(0.1,0.2,0.3))
Furthermore, we can simply pass four numbers or a four-dimensional vector. The behaviour of a copy constructor is implemented as well:
>>> print quatd(1,0.1,0.2,0.3)

>>> print quatd(vec4d(1,0.1,0.2,0.3))

>>> a = quatd(2,3,5,7);b = quatd(a)
>>> print b
Accessing components The ways of accessing the components of a quaternion reflect the fact that it consists of a scalar and a vector part.
>>> a = quatd(2,3,5,7);

>>> print a[0];

>>> print a[1];
For convenience, managed attributes (a functionality of python) for accessing scalar and vector part are implemented in &quatd;:
>>> a = quatd(2,3,5,7);

>>> print a.s;

>>> print a.v;
Operators operators The following unary operators are implemented for quaternions:

Operator Return type Semantics
&op_plus; Quaternion Identity
&op_minus; Quaternion Negative of a quaternion

>>> a = quatd(2,3,5,7);

>>> print -a;

>>> print +a;
Binary operators The following binary operators are implemented for quaternions:

Operator Return type &first; Arg type &second; Arg type Semantics
&op_plus; Quaternion Quaternion Quaternion Sum of two quaternions
&op_minus; Quaternion Quaternion Quaternion Difference of two quaternions
&op_mul; Quaternion Number Quaternion Product of number and quaternion
&op_mul; Quaternion Quaternion Number Product of number and quaternion
&op_mul; Quaternion Quaternion Quaternion (Non-commuting) Product of two quaternions
&op_div; Quaternion Quaternion Number Quotient of quaternion and number

Sum, difference, multiplication by a number, division by a number are the same as for four-dimensional vectors:
>>> print quatd(2,3,5,7) + quatd(1,2,4,8)

>>> print quatd(2,3,5,7) - quatd(1,2,4,8)

>>> print quatd(2,3,5,7) * 10

>>> print quatd(2,3,5,7) / 10
The interesting property of quaternions is their non-commutative product. The product of two unit quaternions is a unit quaternion. Unit quaternions represent rotations in three-dimensional space (by some appropriate mapping), and multiplying two quaternions is like concatenating rotations. We use the operator &op_mul; for this multiplication.
>>> print quatd(0,1,0,0) * quatd(0,0,1,0)
Augmenting operators The following non-constant ("augmenting") operators are implemented for quaternions. The left hand side argument is always a quaternion. We refer to this argument as "&self;" in the following table:

Operator Argument type Semantics
&op_pluseq; Quaternion Add a quaternion to &self;
&op_minuseq; Quaternion Subtract a quaternion from &self;
&op_muleq; Number Multiply &self; by a number
&op_diveq; Number Divide &self; by a number

>>> a = quatd(2,3,5,7)

>>> b = quatd(a);b += quatd(1,2,4,8)
>>> print b

>>> b = quatd(a);b -= quatd(1,2,4,8)
>>> print b

>>> b = quatd(a);b *= 10
>>> print b

>>> b = quatd(a);b /= 10
>>> print b
Methods The following methods are implemented in &quatd;. The methods to not modify their object.

Method Result type Semantics
&conjugate; Quaternion Conjugate of the quaternion (vector part reverted)
&invert; Quaternion Returns the inverse quaternion with respect to &op_mul;
&dotsq; Number Inner product of the quaternion (interpreted as four-dimensional vector) with itself
&norm2; Number Length of the quaternion (interpreted as four-dimensional vector)
&fn_unit; Quaternion Returns the normalized quaternion

The Method &conjugate; returns the quaternional conjugate of a quaternion. This operation is analogue to &conjugate; for the built-in type &complex;:
>>> print quatd(2,3,5,7).conjugate()

>>> print (3 + 4j).conjugate()
&invert; calculates the inverse element. Note, that for unit quaternions it is faster and numerically more precise to use &conjugate; instead.
>>> a = quatd(2,3,5,7)
>>> print a * a.invert()
>>> print a.invert() * a
The methods &dotsq;, &norm2; and &fn_unit; interpret the quaternion as a four-dimensional vector. Hence, these methods behave like the corresponding methods in &vec4d;:
>>> a = quatd(1,2,4,10)

>>> print a.dotsq()

>>> print a.norm2()

>>> print a.unit()
Type conversion Quaternions can be casted to four-dimensional vectors without loss of information via the constructor of &vec4d;:
>>> a = quatd(2,3,5,7)
>>> print vec4d(a)
For reasons of completeness there is a cast to four-dimensional matrices (injective homomorphism with respect to &op_plus; and &op_mul;):
>>> print mat4d(quatd(2,3,5,7))
Rotations Rotation classes represent rotations in euclidian space without unveiling their inner representation to the application. You could, of course, use quaternions or matrices directly. Hence, the rotation classes should be considered as "convenience types" for dealing with rotational subsets of &mat2d;, &mat3d; and &quatd;. At present, &vl; supports rotations in two- and in three-dimensional space, by means of the classes &rot2d; and &rot3d;. Please note that angles are always represented in radian, not in degree. 4.5.1Constructor; and &rot3d; Rotations can be instantiated without parameters, which leads to the identity. The output format for &rot2d; is the rotation angle. For &rot3d; the output format is a quaternion.
>>> print rot2d()

>>> print rot3d()
Both classes can be instantiated by copying another instance.
>>> a = rot2d(0.1);b = rot2d(a)
>>> print b

>>> a = rot3d();b = rot3d(a)
>>> print b
The remaining ways of constructing rotations in two- and three-dimensional space are quite different, and we shall consider them separately.
&rot2d; Two-dimensional rotations are initialized by passing an angle:
>>> print rot2d(0.2)
They can alse be initialized by a 2×2-matrix. The matrix passed is interpreted as rotation matrix. If this is not the case, &vl; projects the matrix into rotation space, so that there is no need to worry about numerical inaccuracies.
>>> phi = 0.3
>>> c = math.cos(phi);s = math.sin(phi)
>>> print rot2d(mat2d(c,-s,s,c))
Another way of initializing &rot2d; is to pass two vectors of type &vec2d;. This creates a rotation, which maps the unit vector of a to the unit vector of b. In the example above it is a counterclockwise rotation around 90° (= π / 2).
>>> a = vec(3,4);b = vec(-4,3);
>>> print rot2d(a,b)
Finally, rotations in two-dimensional space are represented by unit complex numbers. The constructor projects the complex number passed onto a unit length number. We consider the result of passing 0&op_plus;0j as undefined.
>>> a = 1 + 2j;
>>> print complex(rot2d(a)) * abs(a)
(1+2j); Three-dimensional rotations can be initialized by a (unit) quaternion. Note, that the string representation of &rot3d; objects is the same as for quaternions, regardless of the way they are constructed.
>>>  print rot3d(quatd(1,.1,.2,.3))
In analogy to &rot2d; they can also be initialized by a rotation matrix:
>>> from math import *
>>> c = cos(radians(60));s = sin(radians(60))
>>> m = mat3d(c,-s,0,s,c,0,0,0,1)
>>> print rot3d(m)
In analogy to &rot2d; we can pass two three-dimensional vectors. The resulting rotation object maps the direction of the first vector onto to the direction of the second. In the following example a rotation of -90° around the z-axis is constructed:
>>> a = vec(0,1,0);b = vec(1,0,0)
>>> print rot3d(a,b)
A very important method in numerics is to initialize &rot3d; by exponentiating a so-called Lie-Algebra-element, which is a three-dimensional vector:
>>> print rot3d(vec(.1,.2,.3))
Another way is to pass an axis vector and a rotation angle (in radian) The axis is a non-zero three-dimensional vector.
>>> print rot3d(vec(10,0,0),radians(90))
Finally, one of the most important ways in practice is to pass three Euler-angles and specifying their order of application. The order of application is represented by one of the following symbols:
For interpreting the names of these symbols please imagine rotating an object placed in a three dimensional coordinate frame. Now rotations of the object around x-, y- and z-axis of the coordinate frame are performed in the order as described by the symbol. Since the resulting numbers are quite unintuitive we restrict ourselves to combining some 90°-rotations. The following two sequences are equivalent:
  • first rotate(-90°,z), then rotate(90°,y)
  • first rotate(-90°,x), then rotate(-90°,y)
or in &vl;:
>>> print rot3d(0,math.radians(90),math.radians(-90),VL_APPLY_ZYX)
>>> print rot3d(math.radians(-90),0,math.radians(-90),VL_APPLY_XYZ)
Operators Mathematically speaking, the class &rot3d; represents the group of rotations in three-dimensional space. This means, there is an (associative) operation &op_mul; that maps two rotations into a new rotation, a unity element (given by the default constructor), and an inverse element for each object. We will illustrate the inverse later. The group operation looks like this (we concatenate two rotations around 180°):
>>> a = rot3d(quatd(0,1,0,0))
>>> b = rot3d(quatd(0,0,1,0))
>>> print a * b
We can also apply this operation to three-dimensional vectors:
>>> a = rot3d(quatd(1,0,0,1))
>>> print a * vec(1,0,0)
The operator &op_mul; is not applicable to matrices (&mat3d;), since there is no "default" transformation behaviour of matrices.
Methods As mentioned, &rot3d; represents a mathematical group, i.e. each element has an inverse. In &vl; the inverse mapping is given by the method &invert;:
>>> a = rot3d(quatd(1,0.1,0.2,0.3))
>>> print a * a.invert()
>>> print a.invert() * a
There are some methods used for converting the rotation object into various representations. There is a method that converts into a three-dimensional matrix:
>>> a = rot3d(0,radians(45),0,VL_APPLY_XYZ)
>>> print a.mat()
In order to convert the rotation object into a unit quaternion the method &quat; is used
>>> a = rot3d(radians(90),radians(90),0,VL_APPLY_XYZ)
>>> print a.quat()
The mapping from rotations to quaternions is not unique. A unit quaternion and its negative lead to the same rotation. Therefore, it is possible to pass a "hint" to this method, which is used to decide wether a quaternion or its negative is returned. This technique is useful in interpolating in rotation space. If you are dealing with this type of problems, please study the following example. The rotations a and b are very close to each other: the former is a rotation around +179°, the latter around -179°, which should be equivalent to rotating around +181°. Nevertheless, the represetation in unit quaternions leads to almost diametral quaternions. By passing a hint however, the quaternion representation of b becomes more like the representation of a, which reflects the actual situation in rotation space.
>>> a = rot3d(radians(179),0,0,VL_APPLY_XYZ)
>>> print a.quat()

>>> b = rot3d(radians(-179),0,0,VL_APPLY_XYZ)
>>> print b.quat()

>>> print b.quat(a.quat())
Rotations can be represented by an axis an a rotation angle, as mentioned before. The axis and the angle are accessed by the methods &axis; and ∠
>>> a = rot3d(vec(6,8,0),radians(90))
>>> print a.axis()
>>> print degrees(a.angle())
Finally, the rotation object can be represented by three angles with a given order of application, as we discussed in section This is done using the method &angles;.
>>> a = rot3d(radians(20),radians(10),radians(30),VL_APPLY_ZYX)
>>> phi_x,phi_y,phi_z = a.angles(VL_APPLY_ZYX)
>>> print degrees(phi_x),degrees(phi_y),degrees(phi_z)
20.0 10.0 30.0
4.5.4Type conversion Objects of class &rot3d; can be converted to 3×3-matrices and to (unit-)quaternions. The conversion to quaternions is not unique. The result depends on the internal representation of the &rot3d;-object. This is due to the fact that the mapping from unit quaternions to the rotation group is a 2:1-mapping: a unit quaternion and its negative represent the same rotation.
>>> print quatd(rot3d())
>>> print mat3d(rot3d())
5Functions Some of the operators are also implemented as functions. The following tables shows functions with two vector-valued arguments:

Function Dimension Return type &first; Arg type &second; Arg type Semantics
˙ 1 to 4 Number Vector Vector Dot product, inner product
&ten; 1 to 4 Matrix Vector Vector Tensor product, dyadic product
&wdg; 2 Number Vector Vector Skew-symmetric product
&wdg; 3 Vector Vector Vector Skew-symmetric product, vector product

Index A
affine transformation 3
dot product, 5
dyadic product 5
euclidian norm 4.1.6
inner product
matrix 4.2
quaternion 4.4
rotation 4.5
skew-symmetric product 5, 5
tensor product, 5
transformation 4.3
unit vector 4.1.6
vec() 4.1.2
vector 4.1
vector product, 5
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