- 3DE4 Release 6
Dear Friends of 3DE!
the final version of 3DE4 Release 6 is now available. In comparison to the last beta version only some minor things have changed (see below)...
I hope you all are safe and doing well in these crazy times!
- added R6 personal learning edition
- improved performance of calculation progress requester
- optimized the default placement of non-blocking custom requesters
- added new postfilter mode "Butterworth"
- added new filter option "Butterworth" to script "filter curves"
- fixed several bugs related to 3DE's "image warp tool" (v1.3.4)
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE's file requester to crash (history menu, very long filenames)
- fixed a bug with warp4 which resulted in the creation of corrupted image file
- added script "Toggle 3D Model Survey Mode" which allows to bake transformations of a 3D model into its vertices
- fixed a bug within 3DE's python vector module ("pi" undefined)
- added script "Extract Overall Motion of Mocap PGroup" (Orientation controls)
- fixed a bug within functions "extract line/polygon" not working properly with obj pgroups
- added new options to script "Object PGroup Z Distance Tool" (X/Y/Z component curves, similar to "rotomation editor")
- fixed a bug within script "Push Points" taking lineup points properly into account (thanks to Patcha)
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash (rare, selection, textarea widgets)
- fixed a bug with python command "checkPointConsistency2D()" not being robust enough
- added a new feature to script "export distortion to flame" now allowing to enter absolute overscan resolution (v1.3)
- improved the speed of 3DE's "open- & save project" functions significantly
- improved the behavior of 3DE's low level calculation routines, preventing euler flips to happen in the first place
- fixed a bug with 3DE's LSF solver (1 point projects)
- fixed a bug which could cause 3DE to crash when loading rather old project files (3DE4 R2 or older)
- fixed a bug which caused some weird display issues with 3DE's timeline editor (rare, hide points / frame segment selection)
- fixed a bug within "image warp tool" which caused it to produce bad filenames (windows only)
- fixed a bug within "image warp tool" which caused it to produce bad results (distortion model "anamorphic rescaled" only)
- fixed a bug with script "adjust curve vertices" which caused several errors on all platforms (v1.3, thanks to Derick)
- added some features to script "calc lsf" (v1.4, thanks to Patcha)
- reduced the load induced by 3DE on "flcd4" quite a bit
- added a new script "sdv_image_warp.py" which allows to drive "image warp tool" via command line
- added some new frame range options to "image warp tool"
- added a new GUI script "rotomation editor"
- added a new python command "calcRotomationSkeleton()" (rotomation solver frontend)
- added a new command line tool for applying/removing distortion/rolling shutter to/from footage
- added a new script "image warp" which provides a GUI for applying/removing distortion/rolling shutter
- added a new python scripting tag "3DE4.script.gui.attribute_editor:" which allows to add python GUIs to 3DE's attr. editor
- added separate clipping planes to be used for orientation controls only (attribute editor)
- added a new script for importing ".csv" files into curve editor (such as exported by "Arri meta extract")
- added a new 3D export script for BM's Fusion software
- added new python commands for accessing a camera's rolling shutter "content distance" parameter
- updated script "save out rendered frames" now allowing to display frame numbers in the exported images
- added a new python command "setRenderCacheCommentString()" which allows to add text to the output render image
- improved the performance of functions "open/save project (as)" by a factor of up to 20
- fixed a performance problem with python command "updateGUI()" (rare)
- fixed a problem within 3DE's python-based timer infrastructure which caused progress requesters not to work properly anymore
- added new python command for accessing 3DE's current display area transform parameters
- added a new view option to orientation controls for hiding distance constraints
- added a new view options to orientation controls for showing mocap point's 3D trajectories
- added a new python command "setOptionMenuWidgetItemSensitiveFlag()" for setting an option menu item's sensitivity status
- added a new python command "getAvailableCPUCores()" for reading the currently configured number of cpu cores
- added new python commands for creating/deleting "display ranges" within a curvearea widget
- added new python commands for creating/deleting frame silder "marks"
- added new python scripting tags which allow to place custom buttons everywhere on 3DE's display area
- added "hide" switch to script "tde4Widget" in order to let it disappear from 3DE's python menu
- fixed a minor bug with function "f2->edit->merge points" (rare)
- officially added "flcinfo4" to distribution (windows)
- patched an opengl/nvidia display bug which caused problems in curve editor (large "numbers" situations, rare)
- updated script "copy current frame to reference frame" now allowing "8bit color conversion" settings to be copied as well
- fixed a bug within script "export maya" which caused problems when exporting in meters (v2.7)
- improved 3DE's file browser which no longer truncates file paths within its history menu
- fixed a performance problem with 3DE's GUI editor when creating widget links with the mouse (RMB-drag, v1.5)
- patched a problem in script "curve editor->edit->euler flipping filter" (object pgroups, v1.2)
- fixed a memory leak/performance problem within python command "delete3DObject()" (rare)
- fixed a problem where some shortcuts were displayed as "???" within menus (rare)
- updated script "triangulate mocap points" now taking camera weight properly into account
- fixed a bug with python command "convertOpenEXRMetaDataToXML()" which could cause problems (rare)
- fixed a bug which caused script "calc overscan distortion bbox" to return false results (rare)
- fixed a number of calculation core related bugs (postfilter, lsf solver, regular solver)
- added command line tool "create_identity_uv_map" for generating plain stmap files (openexr format)
- added a python command for retrieving the resolution of the current main window
- added a command line option to "tde4mhpd" to output its version only
- added the ability to import animated meshes into 3DE through alembic
- disabled scale widget "prefs->allow for network calc" under windows (because it made no sense)
- added an upper limit for row/columns of distortion grids (attr. editor)
- fixed a bug within script "Python GUI Editor" (save, "can't pickle" error)
- fixed a bug within script "align to reference pattern" not taking frame offset into account
- fixed a bug with "lock channels" constraints not working properly (sync/stereo, object point groups)
- fixed a bug which caused parameter adjustment to crash 3DE (script parameters and network calc enabled)
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash during startup (rare, specific VPN configuration)
- fixed a bug with function "generate uv texture map" not working properly for "regular" cameras
- fixed a bug within script "export flame lens distortion" not working under windows properly
- improved the behavior of script "calc->triangulate points"
- fixed a bug with python command "getContextMenuObject()" not working properly on points
- fixed a bug which caused option "match frame lineup points only" not working properly (F5)
- fixed a bug which caused lineup controls not to work properly (rare, invert point cloud mode enabled)
- a number of minor bugfixes and improvements
- fixed a bug which caused lineup points not to work properly (F5)
- fixed a bug which caused function "finetune all objects" not to work (lock channels constraints activated)
- improved script "shift curves" (v1.2, timeline editor, thanks to Unai)
- added new script "Align Point to Ref. Pattern"
- added a new script for exporting distortion to Flame
- added a new script for importing "undistort stMaps" and converting them to a matrix
- added new python commands for retrieving specific pixel information of a given image file
- added new python commands for reading and writing 3DE's preferences
- added a new, interactive script for importing alembic files
- added a new script for exporting an alembic file
- added new functions for extracting 3D survey coordinates from lines and polygons of 3D models (F6)
- added a new display option to lineup controls for hiding all 2D tracking points no matter what
- improved the rendering of dense points clouds (F6, z buffer)
- improved line rendering performance up to 300%
- added a "FOV crop mask" feature to F1, F2 and F5
- added a script which allows to define "FVO crop mask"
- added actual point colors to points object being displayed in the object browser
- object browser now allows to rearrange the order of 3D models (RMB)
- added little dots to the 2D tracking curves (F2)
- significantly improved performance of 3DE's timeline editor (reference frames, many points)
- added features for rotating the overlay grid (F2)
- added a new "foreground rendering" feature to overview controls
- improved script "Save out Rendered Frames" now allowing to define a number of different rendering modes
- added a python command for setting various rendering modes used by command "saveRenderCacheFrame()"
- added a new mode to prefs which forces 3DE not to import any compressed buffers into memory (instead always loading those from file)
- improved the speed for importing .obj file by nearly 50%
- added a new option to script "Object PGroup Z Distance Tool" which allows to set a tracking point as pivot
- added a requester which asks for permission to import any "reference only" 3D models (open project)
- 3DE now deletes deviation curves of disabled points (calc all from scratch)
- added script "Calc Lens Distortion Overscan Bounding Box"
- added script "Insert Track" (many thanks to Wolfgang!)
- added new python commands for supporting hierarchies of list widget
- added an option to 3D area widget which allows to catch raw mouse events
- added a new distortion model "3DE4 Anamorphic - Rescaled Degree 4"
- added a GUI editor for python scripts
- added some minor improvements to script "export maya" (v2.6)
- added a few python commands for reading and writing openexr camera attributes
- fixed a bug which caused curve editor to "generate" new keyframes (object point groups, global space option enabled)
- added new python commands for manipulating a scene node's selection state
- added a new python command for saving out a screen capture of the main window
- added a new python command for setting the selection state of a curve key
- added a new camera attribute for importing openEXR data- or display window
- added a new camera attribute for importing the left or right eye of openEXR files (sxr "extension")
- added display/data window, sxr support to warp4 (v1.6b1)
- added a "-scale" command line option to warp4
- added a "-sxr_import_right_eye" command line option to warp4
- added a new option to 3DE's "Nudge Tool" (frame toggle - explicit frame)
- added a feature to parameter adjustment window which forces 3DE to display samples with a deviation greater than 10 pixel
- 3DE now automatically adds a scrollbar to "docked' python panels
- improved font rendering performance by up to 50%
- added a progress requester to script "Reload 3D Models"
- improved stability of 3DE's license server software "flcd4" (v2.1b1)
- fixed an annoying bug which caused the system ID of a machine to change on a regular basis (Windows only)
- fixed an update problem when importing footage through python (setCameraSequenceAttr() command)
- fixed a problem were zoom curves became unintendedly replaced (calc zoom curve, frame range calculation)
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash when loading a project (rare)
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash during parameter adjustment procedure (windows, many to-be-adjusted parameters)
- fixed a large number of calculation core related bugs
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE to partially create flatlines in their 3D pos/rot curves (segments with low number of points)
- improved performance of parameter adjustment window (cancel complex adjustment procedure)
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE's solver to cancel a calculation (10000+ frames)
- improved performance of 3DE's network calculation feature (rare, small projects)
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash when generating a UV texture map (sync/mocap)
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash (calc all from scratch, mocap, extract overall motion manually)
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE's solver to mix up zoom values and fixed focal length (dynamic distortion)
- fixed a bug which caused script "triangulate points" to create "bad" point positions (rare, v1.2)
- improved script "export fast buffer compression file" (thanks to Unai)
Cheers, Rolf